Copyright throughout the World
“Copyright throughout the World”, West. Présentation en anglais du droit d’auteur comparé. Contribution sur l’actualité législative du droit français. Direction scientifique Madame Silke von Lewinski, Institut Max Planck. 1ère édition en 2009. Actualisations annuelles.
This three-volume set is a guide to the copyright law of a variety of nations and is useful for copyright practitioners working with the Internet and other media and for academics researching comparative laws. It analyzes the important features of copyright law, related rights, and moral rights from countries throughout the world. Topics covered include registration and formalities, scope of protection, presumptions of ownership, transfers, collective rights management, remedies, circumvention of technological measures and rights management information, secondary liability, and conflict of laws rules. The format permits easy comparison of the laws of different countries.
Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 12 août 2016 à 16 h 04 min.