L’influence des PDEC sur les projets de réforme des droits français et japonais des contrats

The aim of this article is to show that the drafts to reform the contract law, in France and in Japan, are based on Principles of European Contract Law (PECL), rather than national rights. The comparative method incorporate this proposal of reform which is a private codification. But, according to a specific analysis, the aim is also to research if the convergent solutions are, or not, a voluntary choice in favor of the PECL. In the first place, the PECL are not always respected. Secondly, particularly in Japan, the draft of reform often makes accidentally the same propositions as the PECL. In this cases, the normative convergence is fortuitous. Finally, this research wants to show the risk, in front of a convergence of solutions, to end too quickly in a normative influence of the PECL.

This content has been updated on 12 August 2016 at 16 h 04 min.